Timothy Sweet The Law Offices of Timothy M. Sweet, LLCTimothy M. Sweet, Esq. is an only child who grew up in Woonsocket and Warwick, R.I. What he remembers most about his childhood is playing hockey, watching movies with his dog Midnight, and generally blowing off his...
Avantages to Aging Podcast

Everyone talks about the DISadvantages to Aging, but there are so MANY ADVANTAGES! Whether you are in your teens or in your nineties you are aging! Listen in as my guests share some amazing tips about life and lessons learned that we can all learn from.
Let Your Divine Shine!
So silly that we focus on a weakness of ours and then compare it to someone else who is probably…their strength! Focus on your strengths. And guess what? If it’s not a strength…yet…what is something you can do to improve that quality?
Energize and Engage: Stay Active by Volunteering
Who says you have to sit on your front lawn and watch the days pass once you have retired? Kristen Williams, with riverzedgeARTS, suggests multiple ways to get involved.
You Don’t Have to Hit the Gym to Stay Fit
“I can not get motivated to get to the gym”…tell us Jennifer Prell, how does someone combat that feeling or thought? Jennifer, President and founder of Elderwerks, encouraged everyone with all the benefits and different ways to move your body.
That’s Not True!
Dr. Green is back and debunking myths about Hormone Replacement Therapy! There are so many myths women hear in their circles of influence but what is true?
LIVE In Today’s World
My guest, Susan Mazer, is here with a few tips on how to age. I know you are thinking “I don’t need to be told how to age.” But she brought up key elements to living in TODAY’s world not in the past.
Am I Symptomatic?
You may be wondering “Am I symptomatic?” as Dr. Green lists some of the side effects of menopause. If you thought you learned a lot the last time he was on…get ready for more!
WHO can You Depend on? Yourself!
Diane Gilman was stuck in a false belief. Until one day she had a light bulb moment and realized she could make things happen for herself.
A Taste of Taboo
Did you know that when hormone replacement therapy, for menopause, had terrible outcomes, they stopped teaching the practice to our physicians? There’s about a decade where they didn’t teach it and didn’t discuss it.Women can’t forget about it so why did doctors get to?
Are You Ready for the Third Act?
What happens in the third act and what is the third act? Think of your passion or what you enjoy. How great would it be to use it to your advantage?
Trick Your Brain by Exploring the World Together with Virtual Reality
Jackie Carroll, our virtual reality “Mind Immersion” creator, is back to encourage you! She shared a sweet story about her father and children utilizing virtual reality.
Honor YOUR Love Energy
Joanne Sapers, love relationship expert is here to talk to all of us not feeling Valentine’s Day. What can you do to enjoy and honor your love energy this Valentine’s?