Diane Gilman

Diane is a fashion rule-breaker with millions of fans, the charismatic pearl-haired, “Queen of Jeans,” Diane Gilman is 77 years young. An inspiration for women embracing their third act, Diane is a tele-retailing legend who’s just getting started, and not uncommonly, recognition for Diane came later in life with the launch of DG2 Jeans on HSN. Her latest book, “Too Young to be Old,” is a compelling take on conquering life’s challenges to live a “third act” filled with dream-catching and fulfillment.

Diane Gilman was stuck in a false belief.  She calls it reverse sexism where she thought she needed a man. She relied on a man to”bring home the bacon.”  Until one day she had a light bulb moment and realized she could make things happen for herself.  She regrets all the time she spent waiting for a man to make things happen.
Diane now encourages women to age differently by being an example.  Diane created a very  successful business out of something missing in the market even when others said “That’s a bad idea, older women don’t wanna wear jeans.” She no longer waits for a man.

Connect with Diane Gilman: dianegilmancontact@gmail.com or on Facebook TheDianeGilman

Age differently by starting your own Neora Business

To find me on social media: Debbi-Jo Horton

Learn more in my Facebook Group: Advantages to Aging 

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