Debbie Barker
Debbie has been married since 1980 and has 2 “adult” children. While sitting in a Body Works class she learned how to align the spine using the energy in the body. Wanting to learn more about energy, she became a Reiki Practitioner in 2004. She has learned other energy modalities as well. During your session, she listens to her guides and uses the energy modalities that your body needs.
How great can it get? This is the question you should be asking yourself. Clients, with the help of Debbie Barker; my guest today, can release those lower-level emotions to get them to that point. Have you heard of lower-level emotions? Worry, doubt, sadness, fear, dread, these emotions are lower level and can get stuck in the body and can even manifest into health issues. Debbie uses many modalities to release those emotions and heal her clients. She was even kind enough to share a secret about our big toe! Try it and let me know the result!
Debbie has been married since 1980 and has 2 “adult” children. While sitting in a Body Works class she learned how to align the spine using the energy in the body. Wanting to learn more about energy, she became a Reiki Practitioner in 2004. She has learned other energy modalities as well. During your session, she listens to her guides and uses the energy modalities that your body needs.
To Connect with Debbie Barker: (678)982-1509
Another modality to staying healthy is NeoraFit.
To find me on social media: Debbi-Jo Horton
Learn more in my Facebook Group: Advantages to Aging