Joanne Sapers
Joanne is a Lifetime Spiritual Practitioner. Born in Newton Massachusetts Joanne has a BFA from Massachusetts College of Art. She did Sales and Marketing for Fortune 500 companies and Institutions for ten years.
She is now a Reiki Master studied Cranial Sacral and has completed over 20 physical and emotional self-development programs. She was the Director of Administration for an online Spiritual Institute for ten years and a Certified Coach through Life Mastery Institute with Mary Morrissey since 2014. Joanne is a Published Author – in “Shining a Light on Grief” with ten other authors.
Joanne Sapers, love relationship expert is here to talk to all of us not feeling Valentine’s Day. What can you do to enjoy and honor your love energy this Valentine’s?
We talked about ways to honor yourself on this day. Some of you are married or in a relationship but you aren’t anticipating the day to go they way you want. Take the bulls by the horn and plan it. Your significant other may be appreciative that you did or at least the day will go the way you wanted.
You can also set up a way to honor someone you may be missing. You can still remember, in a positive way, the love you had! You choose how you can ease the pain and yet honor the past!
To Connect with Joanne Sapers:
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Learn how Joanne Sapers can help you live your best life, and feel easy saying YES to everything you love about yourself, want to do, and experience with others!
Pathways to Relationships or email her at joanne@pathwaystorelationships.com or call 401-261- 0110.
To find me on social media: Debbi-Jo Horton
Learn more in my Facebook Group: Advantages to Aging