Death is simply one of the chapters of life. Cathy is here to normalize these conversations. The reality is that we all experience grief differently and need to be supported differently.
Avantages to Aging Podcast

Everyone talks about the DISadvantages to Aging, but there are so MANY ADVANTAGES! Whether you are in your teens or in your nineties you are aging! Listen in as my guests share some amazing tips about life and lessons learned that we can all learn from.
Kick Fear Out Of The Driver’s Seat
We all have skeletons in our closets but what about dragons in our head? River Easter shared her expertise in learning your self-worth and gaining confidence. Too often we have these dragons as River pointed out. The dragons are those thoughts that stop you in your tracks or don’t even let you take the first step. River helps her clients slay those dragons.
Jingle All the Way: Navigating Family at Gatherings
With the holiday season upon us it means we will be seeing lots of family. And does it seem for some reason they feel like they can ask us anything? This can lead to a sticky situation. Debbie Barker is back offering helpful tips to escape and/or recover from the conversations you don’t want to be a part of!
Bold Not Old
Baby Boomers are Bold not Old! This is the stance Wallis Pattisonn took awhile ago and encourages others to see the same. She brought up so many good points like just because you are done with your career doesn’t mean you lose the desire to still be valued.
Who Says You Can’t Combat Senior Moments?
Senior moments are the worst and can be embarrassing. Maybe you lose your keys often or can’t remember how to get out of Target. Well, Stan Goldberg, 10 times published author is here to shed some light on the brain and how we can be proactive to age gracefully.
Fresh Courage
As a 75 year old Behavioral Scientist and coach, Sharon is the model of health and vitality. It’s her joy to help us all have FRESH COURAGE and be meaningful contributors. When we know what makes us thrive,
She’s Just Being Grumpy
Listen in on how Dee has used her trauma for healing and holding space for others. She tries to be the person that she needed when she was going through endometriosis and a full hysterectomy.
GRITspiration – Fueling Your Dreams
You can’t plant apple seeds and get oranges. When you focus on the good, you attract good. That is the point of journaling, what you focus on will become. Did you know only 3% of people write down their dreams and gratitude?
Never Forget (special 9/11)
Such a tragic day! But you don’t have to live in that sentiment. I think we owe it to the lives lost that day to yes, remember, but then reflect, and do better. I wanted to remind everyone to be peaceful and encourage you to step up to a higher level!
What They Don’t Want You To Know
Not everyone wants you to know about Life Settlements. Have you heard of this term? Did you know that 90% of all life insurance policies don’t pay out death benefits?
Why Stay On the Path of Personal Growth Beyond Your Career
Bobby Babak is a life coach and registered therapist. He loves working with motivated individuals who are passionate about personal growth. He empowers and enables them to overcome their biggest life struggles – be it weight loss, a painful relationship, or even growing in their career.
I Have To Take Back My Life
Ellie Anbinder’s back, from Caregivers-WellBeing, with helpful tips if you are facing a loved one being placed in assisted living or they have passed. Once a loved one is no longer in your house…You have to move on with your life. Ellie realizes those are tough words.