Avantages to Aging Podcast

DJ is a lifelong entrepreneur who believes in abundance and that there ARE advantages to aging!
Her mission is to Make People Better.

Everyone talks about the DISadvantages to Aging, but there are so MANY ADVANTAGES! Whether you are in your teens or in your nineties you are aging! Listen in or read to get some amazing tips about life and lessons learned that we can all learn from.

Why Personal & Professional Development Matters

Why Personal & Professional Development Matters

Many of us understand the need to live, love, learn and leave a legacy. This makes us feel whole, a contributor to humanity, and a model for our friends and family. I don’t know of anyone who doesn’t want to be remembered favorably after they have passed on. To...

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Honor YOUR Love Energy

Honor YOUR Love Energy

Joanne Sapers, love relationship expert is here to talk to all of us not feeling Valentine’s Day. What can you do to enjoy and honor your love energy this Valentine’s?

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Are You Managing Stress OR is it Managing You?

Are You Managing Stress OR is it Managing You?

Stress impacts your fiscal and physical health. You need to have a strategy to keep stress levels in check. 70% - 90% of all primary care visits to health care facilities are stress-related, according to the American Institute of Stress. The first step to managing...

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Get Your Zen On

Get Your Zen On

Jackie Carroll, the founder of Mind Immersion, is here explaining virtual reality and how to use it to your benefit for personal development! She also touched on virtual reality vs. the MetaVerse.

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How to find your Creativity again!

How to find your Creativity again!

The Primate Committee Thinking Experiment…It started with a cage containing 5 apes. Inside the cage they hung a banana on a string and put stairs under it. Before long an ape went to the stairs and started to climb towards the banana. As soon as he touched the stairs,...

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How Great Can It Get?

How Great Can It Get?

Debbie BarkerDebbie has been married since 1980 and has 2 "adult" children.  While sitting in a Body Works class she learned how to align the spine using the energy in the body.  Wanting to learn more about energy, she became a Reiki Practitioner in 2004.  She has...

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Weight Loss – A Personal Journey

Weight Loss – A Personal Journey

I grew up mostly an average to small size weight, but if I am honest, and my sister would tell on me if I wasn’t, I always had a larger backside. When I was younger I could eat anything I wanted and pretty much anything I wanted with the exception of milk products....

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Give It Everything You’ve Got

Give It Everything You’ve Got

In life, we are all aging so you have to give it all you've got each and every day.  I want you to consider if you just do one percent better each day at the end of 2023 you will be 365% better!! There are so many advantages that I have shared over the last two years...

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Don’t Lose Your Identity In the Process

Don’t Lose Your Identity In the Process

Somehow, we become parents and lose our identity in the process.  All of a sudden we are just Lil Suzie's mom. The days are long and the years are short as most people put it.  Megan Reyes is my guest - curator of The (Mostly) Managed Mommy Facebook group where moms...

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I Know What I Heard, but What Did You Say???

I Know What I Heard, but What Did You Say???

The difference between success and failure; growth or decline; is often found in the quality of the communication we have in our relationships. In fact miscommunication is often the culprit of many problems that are found more often than the lack of communication. The...

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Joy to the World

Joy to the World

Maria LuchsingerMaria Luchsinger (pronounced Lucksinger) is known as the Joyful Career Strategist who works with midlife women needing a career change to design the next chapter of their lives without overwhelm so that it is joyful. Using her gift of encouragement,...

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