How to Be More Confident
Are you thinking to yourself that you don’t talk to yourself? Yes? Then you definitely talk to yourself!!! The person who talks to us the most is, well, US! So how does that talk/thoughts shape the person we are; the way we do things; or even whether we succeed or fail? Self-talk can lift us higher or stomp us down. Imposter syndrome….self-talk. Feel like nothing can stop you? Self talk. Sometimes we don’t even realize we are talking to ourselves because it is so ingrained so deep within our subconscious mind that we aren’t even aware. It can show in our dreams, but that’s just a dream, right???

Self-talk starts most often from our earliest moments here on this Earth. We hear philosophies or cautionary tales about what is good and bad, potentially harmful or words of encouragement. Parents don’t realize that keeping us safe could also be holding us back as we get older.

There are plenty of talk shows, books and courses on personal development to help you move along in life and how to obtain more and more success. Affirmations can be of help, but they don’t always change our self-talk. We have had years and years of training our brains to be cautious; to fit a mold that our ancestry sees as successful; and to be obedient. But is that living our best life? Probably not.
Don’t think you deserve to live your best life? That is because of years of self-talk telling you to settle for less. What you say to yourself is important and yes, it can reverse years of being told by you and others that you aren’t good enough. You aren’t supposed to want more. That you won’t amount to anything.

The brain tells us that there are 3 essentials to creating a life of success.

1st you need to wire the new you into your brain – physically.

2nd you need to understand how your brain works and your part in changing it and

3rd there are words to use and step by step instructions to change the programming of both your conscious and subconscious mind.

Shad Helmstetter, PhD provides the powerful new techniques to program your potential for success in his book, “What to Say When You Talk to Yourself”. It is a very powerful tool and I can attest that after only 3 days of using these techniques, I am finding my attitude and my actions changing. Those actions and thoughts that no longer serve me are unraveling and I’m finding it easy to make changes that I have tried making for several years.

Typically I don’t write my blogs to support a book, workshop or such, but this book has made a significant impact and I can’t help but share this with all of you.

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