Cathy Weaver
Cathy Weaver has been Networking full-time since 2008 and since then, has experienced a number of opportunities to share with others some impactful things she has learned. Death and dying and survivorship have been very popular topics when it comes to presentations because few people find this subject comfortable.
Cathy wrote a book in 2017 called “He Hit The Clouds Running ….. and never looked back™” which addresses her numerous experiences with the death of loved ones. What to say and what not to say when someone has died is one of the most thought-provoking sections of that presentation.
Because we all learn from our own life experiences, Cathy has now released “My Final Footprints™” September 2023, which is a compilation of what to gather and discuss with our loved ones to implement our final wishes, when the time comes. We cannot pre-grieve but we can certainly pre-plan, right?
Has someone in your life passed away? Were your friends and family able to support you and have helpful conversations? Or did they say “I know exactly how you feel!” The reality is most people don’t know how to talk about death and don’t know how to support someone after they have had a loved one pass away.
Death is simply one of the chapters of life. Cathy is here to normalize these conversations. She has written 4 books on grief. The reality is that we all experience grief differently and need to be supported differently. Cathy awards an honorary PHDDD (Personally Having Dealt With Death) certificate once you have read her books. They offer suggestions of what to say and what not to say. Cathy pointed out that you cannot pre-grieve but you can pre-plan and her books are how.
To Connect with Cathy Weaver and schedule that all-important grief journey discussion: Cathy@CathyWeaverKC.com
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To find me on social media: Debbi-Jo Horton
Learn more in my Facebook Group: Advantages to Aging