Ellie Anbinder
Ellie Anbinder has always had an inquisitive and questioning part to her DNA; she always asks questions about the “non-obvious” in life and as she has lived her life, has had multiple careers which centered around asking the hard questions and working toward answers to those questions. Ellie became the frontline caregiver for her husband who was suffering from Alzheimer’s. She noticed and lived through the loneliness and isolation of being a caregiver and started a consulting practice which provides a safe place for caregivers to discuss their questions and find resources to navigate through the difficult dementia process which affects not just the health of the patient but impacts the caregiver dramatically. CareGivers-WellBeing is this new mission.
Ellie Anbinder’s back, from Caregivers-WellBeing, with helpful tips if you are facing a loved one being placed in assisted living or they have passed. Once a loved one is no longer in your house…You have to move on with your life. Ellie realizes those are tough words.
She knows what it’s like to lose a spouse and she can speak and support others from personal experience. You don’t want to be stuck with their clothing, stuck with a room that is not functional, you just don’t want to be stuck. Ellie has a three bag system she uses to help caregivers to take back their life. She offered a few nuggets of ways to have peace over the process and what the process is exactly!
Ellie Anbinder has always had an inquisitive and questioning part to her DNA; she always asks questions about the “non-obvious” in life and as she has lived her life, has had multiple careers which centered around asking the hard questions and working toward answers to those questions. Ellie became the frontline caregiver for her husband who was suffering from Alzheimer’s. She noticed and lived through the loneliness and isolation of being a caregiver and started a consulting practice which provides a safe place for caregivers to discuss their questions and find resources to navigate through the difficult dementia process which affects not just the health of the patient but impacts the caregiver dramatically. CareGivers-WellBeing is this new mission.
To Connect with Ellie Anbinder: 508-380-2042 or eleanorfa15@gmail.com
You need to take care of yourself as a caregiver! The wellness from Neora Wellness Set can help and they’ve made it simple!
To find me on social media: Debbi-Jo Horton
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