Somehow, we become parents and lose our identity in the process.  All of a sudden we are just Lil Suzie’s mom.

The days are long and the years are short as most people put it.  Megan Reyes is my guest – curator of The (Mostly) Managed Mommy Facebook group where moms can have vulnerable conversations about the daily trials in the trenches of motherhood.  We don’t want to air our dirty laundry or frustrations on our personal feed but it is nice to know there is a safe place to go to seek support or advice.  In a world full of judgment and Pinterest, this Facebook group is for moms in any stage of life facing all struggles.

Including the struggle of losing your identity.  Megan encourages mamas to know who they are and set an example for our children for future generations. Let them see you resolve conflict, be frustrated, and be flexible when plans do play out as they were supposed to.  Yes mom can do alot but it’s not all on mom, dad and children can help too.  We always hear “You can’t pour from an empty cup.” You still have to do the things that bring you joy so you can in turn pour into your family!  And you want to still have time with friends and explore hobbies because the last thing you want to do is panic from an empty nest when the kids have grown up and are off doing their own thing. You want to be a (mostly) managed mommy!

Join The (Mostly) Managed Mommy Facebook Group

Moms and women of all walks of life, you don’t need wine or coffee to be clear-headed and make it through the day…you need EHT from Neora!

To find me on social media: Debbi-Jo Horton

Learn more in my Facebook Group: Advantages to Aging 

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