Samantha McMillan
Domestic violence is still a very real thing in this day and age. My guest Samantha MacMillan was brave enough to share her story. Samantha encourages others out there that are or were in her same position to not give up hope. Among other advice she shared, she stressed going to the hospital the night of the assault and to report it to the police. Hindsight is 20/20 and Samantha can attest to that. There are things she would have done differently had she been able to assess the situation from the outside looking in. Samantha also shared her frustration with outsiders putting blame on the victims and the fact that they are expected to co-parent with their abuser in some situations. She feared for her life and her son’s life. Thankfully they are safe now and she wants that for everyone in an abusive situation. She shares her story to encourage others and now starting a 501C to act in her passion for helping other victims…survivors.
Connect with Samantha MacMillan via email at thedvsurvivor@gmail.com
or Abuse Ends Now on Facebook
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