Do you make New Years resolutions? Does if feel like it gives you a fresh start or hope for a better year? Do your goals and dreams seem closer? Or do they feel further away? If you stick to your resolutions, those dreams and goals will not only feel closer, they will...
Avantages to Aging Podcast
Everyone talks about the DISadvantages to Aging, but there are so MANY ADVANTAGES! Whether you are in your teens or in your nineties you are aging! Listen in as my guests share some amazing tips about life and lessons learned that we can all learn from.
How to be More Productive as a Single Parent
A recent survey by the American Psychological Association shows that millions of parents are trying to balance schedules, manage assignments and miss out on their kids’ milestones because of the way they are looking to financially support their children. This lack of...
What the “C” is it All About & Why is it Important?
There is no secret that vitamin C is amazing because of its health benefits, but its powerful antioxidant properties can also help our skin fight premature aging and brighten the appearance of those dark spots (sometimes known as “age” spots). There are many products...
It is All About the Choices We Make & Act On
We all experience good and bad times in our lives. The difference between living a life of pain and discomfort and one of joy and happiness often comes down to our state of mind. We may not get to choose what happens to us, but we ALWAYS get to choose how we respond...
The Entrepreneur Inside You…
Have you ever thought about having your own business? Do you wonder what it would be like to not have to answer to anyone else? Wonder if you have what it takes? Having your own business has its ups and downs. Many people are totally ready for it, but some just never...
It Might Take A Village – But It Starts with YOU
We weren’t born to be alone. We are a tribe of people who rely on each other not just for survival, but for growth. It is nice to think you can do it all on your own, but a little naive at best. We rely on others for more than we even realize. Don’t believe me? Let me...
Loving Large
If you are like me, you want to live your life full of love and happiness not a life filled with hate and regret. Loving large however means different things to different people and well, it’s scary and full of vulnerabilities! Let me tell you my story about...
Don’t Let the “What Ifs” Stop You
Don’t let the worry of failing stop you from becoming a success. Too often we let the “What Ifs” get in our way. You know what I mean - “What if I don’t know what I’m doing?” “What if my friends make fun of me?” “What if I FAIL?!?” It can take REAL courage to...
Living Your Best Life
I used to hear that all the time - Live your best life - and I’d think, cool….wonder what that would actually look like. Then, I would go about my life as it already was. Well, this year, I’ve decided to really dive into what that might look like and I invite you to...
Leading Change
Why Is Change So Difficult?What makes people want to change? The question was “want to” not “think they should”. There is a great deal of difference between wanting to change because one internally desires to move toward a greater experience and feeling one needs to...
Why Personal & Professional Development Matters
Many of us understand the need to live, love, learn and leave a legacy. This makes us feel whole, a contributor to humanity, and a model for our friends and family. I don’t know of anyone who doesn’t want to be remembered favorably after they have passed on. To...
Are You Managing Stress OR is it Managing You?
Stress impacts your fiscal and physical health. You need to have a strategy to keep stress levels in check. 70% - 90% of all primary care visits to health care facilities are stress-related, according to the American Institute of Stress. The first step to managing...