Avantages to Aging Podcast

Everyone talks about the DISadvantages to Aging, but there are so MANY ADVANTAGES! Whether you are in your teens or in your nineties you are aging! Listen in as my guests share some amazing tips about life and lessons learned that we can all learn from.

How to be Productive…

How to be Productive…

Do you make New Years resolutions? Does if feel like it gives you a fresh start or hope for a better year? Do your goals and dreams seem closer? Or do they feel further away? If you stick to your resolutions, those dreams and goals will not only feel closer, they will...

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How to be More Productive as a Single Parent

How to be More Productive as a Single Parent

A recent survey by the American Psychological Association shows that millions of parents are trying to balance schedules, manage assignments and miss out on their kids’ milestones because of the way they are looking to financially support their children. This lack of...

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