They may say no. And that’s ok…when our parents are aging and we try to talk them into a solution that truly is best for everyone they may be reluctant. Amy O’Rourke joined me on this episode and shone some light on taking care of your parents as they age. Their mindset is not the same as yours. And they are still your parents. Can you imagine your children showing up and trying to boss you around? Amy brought up a few things, that you may not have thought of, that could be from your parent’s point of view. They have concerns as they age too. They need your help not ‘parental guidance.’ Check out the full episode to learn how you can better aid your parents as they age and things change.
Amy Cameron O’Rourke
Author, The Fragile Years
Owner, O’Rourke and Associates
Keep your mind sharp as you age with Neora EHT Brain Formula
To find me on social media: Debbi-Jo Horton
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