We weren’t born to be alone. We are a tribe of people who rely on each other not just for survival, but for growth. It is nice to think you can do it all on your own, but a little naive at best. We rely on others for more than we even realize. Don’t believe me? Let me ask you, did you grow your own food, process and cook it? Do you raise your children without relying on others in helping to educate them? I didn’t think so. So if you need a village, how can you take control over your own destiny? Pick your village wisely!

What does it mean to rely on a village? For some, it means help in raising their children. For others, it means helping to provide a living for their family. Even others it means protection and sharing of responsibilities to keep the village alive and vibrant.

Many many years ago, tribes/villages were close knit and mostly self-sufficient. They would hunt together. Gather food together and share responsibilities in protecting the village and teaching the young. If we all stayed put in our villages, we would have died off many centuries ago, but we didn’t. Why is that?

Somehow way back in the early days of civilization villages realized the need to band together to overcome the challenges of survival against the forces of nature and protection against warring villages who wanted to take what they wanted and destroy the rest. We still have much of that going on today only now instead of calling them villages, they are Countries.
In order to change the trajectory of our future – finding more in common than differences or at least embracing those differences and seeing how working together can better us all, we each need to take responsibility for our own groth, our own attitudes and our own future. Dare to live your life full out. How great can it get? How blessed can your life become? How will you share those blessings with others? Will those others only be those in your personal village? Or will you reach across the boundaries and bless the lives of others? You have a choice. You ALWAYS have a choice. Choose wisely and God bless.

Tune in as I dive deeper into things you can be doing to combat menopausal changes that interfere with your best life!

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