Will you be rich or wealthy in the second half of your financial life? David Rosell was my guest on this episode, author of “Failure Is Not An Option” and offered the idea that the last day you contribute to your investments is you entering the second half of your financial journey. Did you contribute enough? People are living longer so it’s challenging to know what to plan for. Last year Hallmark sold 75,000 100th birthday cards!! Can you believe it?? David also offered a few risks you want to watch out for while planning for this second half of your financial life. In his book, he focuses on 8 risks but touched base on the three that really stand out.
To Contact David Rosell:
David@RosellWealthManagement.com or https://DavidRosell.com
David’s Book: Failure Is Not An Option
Feel great while living longer with Neora Youth Factor
To find me on social media: Debbi-Jo Horton