A smiling woman with dark hair wearing a green blouse stands in front of a stone brick wall

River Easter

Ripple Effect Consulting

River guides you to access the genius inside YOU. Above and beyond your average life coach. Her vast toolbox includes more than 20 years of transformational success principles, smartcuts, and paradigm busting, plus a master’s in organization development and a certified Life Mastery Consultant. She holds a Certificate from MIT for Neuroscience for Business Leaders. She is an International Best Selling Author and speaker. She has a proven system to create the results you want in your life–results that are aligned with who you truly are at your core!
We all have skeletons in our closets but what about dragons in our head? River Easter shared her expertise in learning your self-worth and gaining confidence. Too often we have these dragons as River pointed out. The dragons are those thoughts that stop you in your tracks or don’t even let you take the first step. River helps her clients slay those dragons. A dragon you may have is the fear of rejection, getting laughed at, or being judged. River explained how those are old stories that are no longer serving you. This is very common. River offered a few techniques to rid your mind of self-doubt. You gotta hear how River explained our nervous system and how mindset affects our communication. She shared how you too can kick fear out of the driver’s seat and get on with reaching your dreams, now check it out! Book a Complimentary Breakthrough Session with River Easter: www.RiverEaster.com/Breakthrough Grab your Confidence Affirmations Here Kick fear out of the driver’s seat, join my team today, and thrive with Neora! To find me on social media: Debbi-Jo Horton Learn more in my Facebook Group: Advantages to Aging 

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