How great can it get? This is the question you should be asking yourself. Clients, with the help of Debbie Barker; my guest on my podcast, Advantages to Aging, can release those lower-level emotions to get them to that point. Being more confident will be one of those advantages you get from this blog and listening to her podcast!
Have you heard of lower-level emotions? Worry, doubt, sadness, fear, dread, these emotions are lower level and can get stuck in the body and can even manifest into health issues.

What if instead life was absolutely amazing? What if you had no disease? What if your life was better than you ever imagined?! Don’t worry about things happening that haven’t happened. You don’t want to be attracting that to yourself or anyone else for that matter.

Don’t wish (by worrying) illness or accident on someone else either. That energy will surround them and could impact them in a negative way. See them as thriving and having the best of health even if at this moment they don’t have it.

As we approach the end of the year and the season of giving. I give you this. Focus on all the good you want in your life.

Feel what it would feel like to have it and do it every day.

Attract good energy and good fortune to yourself. Life can sometimes throw you curveballs it is true, but you don’t want to be attracting them.

As we close out the year celebrate all the wins you have had. The small wins and the big wins. Be blessed and enjoy each moment of your life.

Listen to Debbie’s Podcast that aired on January 16, 2023.

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